Server Specs for Large Site


Dec 21, 2016
I own a fairly large site currently running vBulletin 3.8.9. I am looking to move to XenForo in the near future. In my research I am fairly confident the servers I currently deploy would be more than enough for running XenForo. In fact I think I would save money when I switch.

My current setup is 2 dedicated servers. 1 for DB the other for static content. DB server has 48Gigs RAM and 4 SSD drives in raid 5. Static server has 8 Gigs RAM and 1 SSD drive.

I am thinking I could get rid of the static server and move everything onto the DB server.

What's everyone's experience been when switching to XenForo and would I be able to drop 1 server?
The server this site runs on also has 5 other sites on it. 2 of the the sites are big boards. The server has nearly same specs as yours. Only real difference is it has 64gigs ram.

I don't think you'll have any problems once you convert.