Introduce Yourself to the xenWebmaster community!

I am Roland. I own a fairly large community and am interested in xenforo. I hope to help when I can and learn as I go from the users here.
I am a member of Mac Forums that AWS owns and thought I'd drop by and join here. I have never owned any communities, but, I did help as an admin and moderator on a couple sites. These sites used vbulletin.

I am not familiar with xenforo so I look forward to learning about it so if the day ever comes that I start my own comnmunity I'd have another viable option.
I am a long time forum owner. My software that was used was vbulletin and before that it was UBB. I was an admin at the largest marijuana growers forum until it was shutdown by the owner who got tired of dealing with the legal issues. Back then laws were more strict then today concerning marijuana.

I was away from forums for a long while until I bought an off topic forum from AWS. I have since bought built that forum into a big board with a little over 1.5M posts. The forum can be found at SucksBBS.Net. Keep in mind it is an unmoderated off topic forum and it can get raunchy there.

Xenforo is my software of choice now and I look forward to sharing what I know and learning more form all of you.

I have to ask, why no introduction forum?
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Welcome rem. How is your forum doing? Nice to see you here.

I have to ask, why no introduction forum?
Will probably add one in the future. When I start a site I generally have an intro thread like this one and once things start popping I create an intro forum.
My name is Andrew. I am a member of Mac Forums and seen the link in the owners signature and thought I would join. I own a small gamers community running on xenforo. I look to getting to know you.
My name is Andrew. I am a member of Mac Forums and seen the link in the owners signature and thought I would join. I own a small gamers community running on xenforo. I look to getting to know you.
Howdy and welcome to XenForo Zone. Don't forget to verify that you are a licensed xenforo owner.