Search results

  1. AWS

    xenWebmaster Ebony and Ivory

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Ebony and Ivory - Light Dark Style Read more about this resource...
  2. AWS

    New Default Style

    I have updated the default style used here. It now has a light / dark style. If you find any bugs while browsing the site please let me know by posting in Suggestions, Bugs & Feedback
  3. AWS


    The server for the site is in Florida. Last weekend we had hurricane Debby pass through. While we weren't directly in the path we were close enough that power was out until yesterday afternoon. Battery backup kept the site up for a few hours as it was designed for. After it went dead we had to...
  4. AWS

    XenForo 2.3.1 & Add-ons Released

    An update to xenForo 2.3 was released. It fixes many bugs in 2.3. Here is a list of fixed items: As always, new releases of XenForo are free to download for all customers with active licenses. You may now upgrade from your admin control panel or grab the new version from the customer area.
  5. AWS

    xenWebmaster Green Variations

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Green Variations - Dark / light variations. Read more about this resource...
  6. AWS

    All Styles Updated

    I have updated all the styles to fix a bug uncovered by @williamt. Make sure to download the new version. To update your site upload it and select overwrite.
  7. AWS

    All Styles Updated to xenForo 2.3

    All of the styles are now updated for xenForo version 2.3. If you still need the 2.2.x versions of the styles let me know and I will add them to the resources section.
  8. AWS

    Styles Being Updated to xenForo 2.3

    I have the styles for xenForo 2.3 just about ready to release. Some new ones wil also be released. Look for them to be ready for download tomorrow.
  9. AWS

    XenForo 2.3.0 & Add-ons Released

    The xenForo team released the long awaited new version 2.3. This is a major upgrade. Here are some of the new features of xenForo 2.3. Download official add-ons
  10. AWS

    XenForo & Add-ons 2.3.0 Release Candidate 5 Released (Unsupported)

    Automatic legacy file clean up XenForo installations after upgrading to XenForo 2.3 will have a number of files sitting in the file system which are no longer used. Any XenForo installation that has been around for a while, will to a lesser extent, have a similar issue. These files on their own...
  11. AWS


    PixelExit makes high quality styles. I own a couple licenses and used them in the past. Flat Awesome is my fav. Very customizable. The only bad thing I would say about PixelExit styles is there are too many customization options. It cab get overwhelming when you first install one of their...
  12. AWS

    xenWebmaster Light

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Light - Light xenForo style. Read more about this resource...
  13. AWS

    Upcoming Style Preview

    You can always see a preview of upcoming styles by looking at the styles in the style chooser. As I develop them I make them user selectable. By doing it that way I can get feedback on them. Also if there is a style you'd like to see let me know.
  14. AWS

    xenWebmaster Test Site

    I have a test site setup to update the styles to the newest version of xenForo which now stands at xenForo 2.3 RC5. You can visit it at It will be turned off from time to time while I am working on styles.
  15. AWS

    xenWebmaster Dark

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Dark - xenForo Dark Style. Read more about this resource...
  16. AWS

    Login/Register with Your Google, Microsoft or Yahoo Account

    I have enabled registration and login via Google, Microsoft or Yahoo. If you are already registered you can connect your accounts so login will be easier.
  17. AWS

    xenWebmaster Gray

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Gray 2.2.16 - xenwebMaster gray style. Read more about this resource...
  18. AWS

    xenWebmaster Red

    AWS submitted a new resource: xenWebmaster Red - Red xenForo style Read more about this resource...
  19. AWS

    s9e Media Sites

    AWS submitted a new resource: s9e Media Sites 2.16.0 - s9e Media Sites Read more about this resource...
  20. AWS

    XenForo License Verification

    AWS submitted a new resource: XenForo License Verification 3.5.0 - XenForo License Verification Read more about this resource...